Monday, 10 March 2014

David Evans Property Services Sponsors Progress Estate 2015 Art Exhibition

Press Release No. 2014/03
10 March 2014

The Progress Residents Association is delighted to announce that local estate agents David Evans has agreed to sponsor the Art Exhibition which will form part of its 2015 celebrations.

David Hallam, a partner in the firm who has been selling properties in Eltham for some 40 years, said ‘I am delighted to be sponsoring this Exhibition. I have always had an affection for the Estate since I lived their in the 1970’s’.

Progress Resident Lynn Bennett-Usher, who will curate the exhibition, said ‘I was very excited to be asked to take this on, having been an artist most of my life. It will be lovely to see fellow artists who reside in Eltham and surrounding areas create work that conveys our Estate’s unique history and architecture or maybe highlights its nooks and crannies or the greens. All these together make it such a lovely place to live’.

Further information for artists wishing to diplay work at the exhibition will be published in due course. In the meantime, anyone wishing to be assured of it as soon as it is available should send their contact details (email or home address plus their telephoine number) to:

Note for Editors:

Originally named the Well Hall Estate, The Progress Estate was built in 1915 to provide housing for the many additional workers the Woolwich Arsenal needed to manufacture the armaments required by the services during the First World War.   Conservation Area status was granted in 1975, in recognition of its unique architectural character.

For additional information, please contact:
Keith Billinghurst
Progress Residents Association committee member
56 Arsenal Road
London  SE9 1JY

tel: 020 8856 5593 or 07962 877389
Twitter:             @ProgressEstate

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