November 2018
We published our book The Origins and Evolution of the Progress Estate, Eltham’s Garden Suburb in July, 2017. By the end of October this year, 163 copies had been purchased by people living on our Estate at £10 each and 103 by others living elsewhere in SE9 for whom the price was £12 a copy. A further 75 had been sold to addresses elsewhere in the UK at the cover price of £13.95 a copy.
AGM Agenda
1) Minutes of the 2017 AGM
2) Annual reports
3) Resolutions submitted to the Secretary
4) Continuance of affiliations
5) Election of Officers and committee members
Letter from the Chair of the committee
Dear All,I hope this year has treated you and yours well. Following the beast from the East we have had a lovely warm summer. The Association has been busy in the background this year, advising residents with planning applications, gas pipe renewals etc. Our parking meeting has produced a need for a considerable amount of work with the Council, Police and TFL which is ongoing. We held a Table Top Sale in October and our Christmas Social and AGM is upon us. Another year nears its end, as does mine and Keith’s time on the Committee. We have met some wonderful people and made new friends during our years on the Committee. We wish everyone living on our Estate and those whose work makes it such a great place to live all the best.Rita Billinghurst Chair, Progress Estate Residents Association
Matters Residents wish to be considered at the AGM are called Resolutions. These include nominations for people to serve as Committee members, which must be seconded by a Resident who is present at the meeting. Resolutions will be passed if a majority of Residents voting, vote in favour.
Resolutions must be in writing and be received no later than 7 days before the AGM. They should be sent to the Secretary, Kirsty McGrath, ideally by email to theprogressestate@gmail.com by 1st December, 2018. Those without access to email should call 07852 888 992 to be told the address to which they should write their resolution to. Letters must be received by the 1st December 2018, so please allow time for postage. You must include your name and address in your email or letter.
The Aims of the Association
The Progress Estate Residents Association committee meet regularly to ensure that the aims of association are met for the benefit of the Residents of the estate. The aims of the Association are:
a) To represent the views and interests of all Residents in appropriate forums be these recognised organisations, groupings or otherwise.
b) To promote and encourage a sense of community amongst Residents.
c) To monitor proposed alterations to, developments on and maintenance of the Estate with a view to ensuring they are in keeping with its designation as a Conservation Area covered by an Article 4 Direction.
d) To exercise influence to ensure, insofar as is possible, that Residents receive the best possible housing, environmental and community-related services.
The Associations activities for the year are included in this newsletter. If you would like further information regarding the annual reports please contact the Secretary, Kirsty McGrath, ideally by email to theprogressestate@gmail.com by 1st December, 2018. Those without access to email should call 07852 888992 providing their name and address for a copy of the reports to be addressed to.
What have the Association been doing to support the Aims?
Book Sales
Copies remain available and may be ordered by email from keith.billinghurst@btinternet.com or by calling or sending a text to 07962 877389.
Please provide your house number, road name, postcode and phone number.
Keith Billinghurst
Houses Changing Hands
During the 12 months to the end of August 2018 (Land Registry data is published approximately 5 weeks after the end of each month) 32 houses changed ownership, 7 less than in the preceding 12 months. Welcome letters have been delivered to all these new owners. Unfortunately The Hyde Group ceased to provide us with the addresses of residents moving into their properties following a reorganisation near the beginning of the year and, despite requests from ourselves, have ceased to provide us with this information.
We would therefore like to take this opportunity of welcoming all Hyde residents who have moved to our Estate during 2018.
Keith Billinghurst
Social Events
Our meeting in July to highlight parking problems on the estate was well attended and the committee is working through the various problems and their solutions with the different agencies involved.
The table top sale in October had 18 different stall holders from local people with varying items for sale. We were a little disappointed with attendance, but those that came enjoyed themselves and bought some bargains.
Rita Billinghurst
Social Media
We continue to maintain our online presence via:
• Facebook, search “Progress Estate Residents’ Association” and don’t forget to ‘like us’
• Twitter - twitter.com/progressestate
• Youtube - search "Progress Estate"
• Our website, www.progressestate.co.uk
At this current time we have:
• 309 email subscribers
• 378 Facebook likes
• 572 twitter followers
• 10 videos on our YouTube account
Our website, www.progressestate.co.uk continues to be popular with 81,500 views since launch of which 994 views were in of September.
Our 210 articles cover the history of the estate and roads (with photos), planning permission guidelines, tradesman directory, news and updates.
We are always looking for old photos of the Estate to add to our "roads" pages. If you have any and are happy to share them with us (you will be credited) please let us know.
Finally, if you would like to receive future newsletters and updates via email, please send an email to theprogressestate@gmail.com with the subject ‘Email list’.
James Garner
Acts of Neighbourliness
With each new year, we often make resolutions with an aim to change and improve ourselves. The Progress Estate Residents Association often hears about the acts of neighbourliness that are in support of our aim to create, promote and encourage a sense of community within the estate. Studies show that by performing even one random act of kindness, not only can make another person’s day but also your own, whether its asking if they would like a hand with some gardening or saying hello.
Acts of Neighbourliness that we have heard about include:
• Taking in neighbours bins
• Taking in deliveries for neighbours
• Picking up litter in the street
We would love to hear more of any acts of neighbourliness to share in future newsletters or on our website, please send them to us via email to theprogressestate@gmail.com or via text to 07852 888992.
Join our committee
We currently have vacancies on our committee for new members to help support the Association in meeting its aims. Taking on tasks as they arise such as responding to planning consultations, highways issues, dealing with The Hyde Group over matters such as the management of the communal gardens along Well Hall Road and elsewhere on our Estate and, recently, liaising with JDT Utilities who have been installing new gas pipes as contractors to Southern Gas Network.
Because some of these tasks often involve daytime meetings, ideally we be interested in persons who have recently retired or whose family have reached the age of independence.
If you would like further information or would like to express an interest in joining the committee please contact the Secretary, Kirsty McGrath, ideally by email to theprogressestate@gmail.com or via text to 07852 888992, providing details of how best to contact you.theprogressestate@gmail.com
The Progress Estate Residents Association Committee look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Social and AGM on Saturday 8th December at 2pm and wish all the Estate’s Residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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