Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Fascinating history of the Progress Estate

From: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/fb-5495911/Fascinating-history-Progress-Estate.html

The Progress Estate was built following an Act of Parliament in 1915. 

Munitions workers from across the country made their way to work at the Woolwich Arsenal in South East London during the First World War.

Many had to live in wooden hutments hastily put between Woolwich and Eltham. But fearing an outbreak of Spanish Influenza, permanent homes were needed for the workers.

The Progress Estate was agreed by an Act of Parliament and built in Eltham within six months.

Ironically the estate is modelled on a German village - even though Britain was at war with Germany. Each house is designed slightly differently with no two houses exactly the same.

It is the only listed housing estate in the country and there are strict rules relating to doors, windows and fencing put up on the facades.

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