Thursday, 20 April 2017

April 2017 Newsletter

APRIL 2017

Dear Fellow Residents,
Thank goodness spring is sprung.  Springtime is a time of renewal and your Committee will renew its efforts to maintain the Progress Estate as a decent and pleasant place in which to live.  

As a Committee, we are proud of our efforts to date but we would really like some more help.  We would particularly welcome someone to assist with our quarterly newsletter production and also with all matters related to planning and conservation.  Our preference would be for people possessing skills or expertise in either of these areas but even if you only have a brain, energy and enthusiasm you would be a welcome addition to our friendly team.  You could either be co-opted to our Committee or if that doesn’t appeal then you could work alongside one of our Committee members who would teach you the ropes.  Obviously, our work is done on an entirely voluntary basis but if you are young it could be a helpful addition to your CV and if you are more mature then it would be an interesting and satisfying way of passing your time.  We have provided fuller details of these vacancies below  
Meanwhile, thank you all for your support.
Margaret Oliver

To ring the changes and celebrate the fact that the estate itself is now in its antiquity, we are holding an antique fair in the Progress Hall on Saturday, 13th May.  There will be a dozen or more stalls plus tea and cakes.   We hope to see as many of you as possible somewhere between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.   Entry is £1 for adults and free for children under the age of 18.

Residents may remember that we undertook to write a book about our Estate as part of or 2015 centenary celebration.   We are very pleased to announce that we expect copies to be available around the middle of the year which, for an initial period, will be available to Residents at a reduced price.


The Residents Association is seeking a new editor for Making Progress.   There are usually four issues per annum.   The precise scope of the job can be flexed to suit the attributes and available time of the person taking on the role, the only prerequisite being a reasonable level of competence with Microsoft Word.

If this editorship potentially interests you, please contact me to arrange a suitable time to discuss the matter in more detail.

Keith Billinghurst
07962 877389


Because our Estate is a Conservation Area, the Royal Borough of Greenwich notifies the Residents Association of all planning applications received from those owning property here.   Typically, there are about 65 a year.   Many are for the replacement of front doors and/or windows and few of these are contentious.   Some are for rear extensions not visible from the public highway or the Estate’s footpaths which are usually similarly straightforward.   There are probably some half a dozen a year requiring careful consideration for one reason or another.

Planning is controlled by published guidelines and it is our job to ensure applicants interpret these correctly for our Conservation Area.

The Residents Association is seeking someone to take on this important monitoring activity.   The breadth of the task can, to some extent, be adapted to suit the time an applicant has at his or her disposal.   For example, people of working age would not be expected to be available for day-time meetings whereas someone who has recently retired may well enjoy this level of involvement.

If you would like to find out more about this interesting opportunity, please contact me so we can arrange to meet and discuss the matter in greater detail.

Keith Billinghurst
07962 877389

Making Progress is published by the Progress Residents Association.   It is printed on their behalf by

David Evans Property Services,
the Progress Estate experts.
020 8859 5331

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