June 2021
Apologies for the delay of the printed newsletter. Due to unforeseen circumstances and some issues with the printers our version is somewhat behind!
If you or any local business would like to sponsor our next newsletter please get in touch for more details by emailing; theprogressestate@gmail.com
With many thanks Maria and the team at Progress Residents Association
Spring into summer….
It gives me great pleasure to write this issue of the Progress Estate newsletter. It has been a while since the last issue, and what a year it has been: a pandemic, three national lockdowns and the vaccination programme. A slice in our lives that has changed us, shaped us and brought some of us closer together. We have lost, we have suffered, we have strived, we have survived, we have been a whole mixed bag of emotions and it’s certainly not been easy for a lot of us.
On behalf of the Association I want to share our sympathy for the losses of loved ones and the hard times we have all been through. Also to say how truly humbled we are by all the kindness and love that has been shown throughout our estate amongst neighbours, strangers and friends.
Connections have been made and good deeds continue to happen. From collecting shopping and medication for neighbours, to swapping goods, passing on recommended traders, cleaners, childminders, takeaways, gardening groups, sewing groups and cat clubs (no cat is ever left stray on our streets for too long!), as well as informing one another about crime and unwanted nuisances and sharing advice and tips on a whole array of topics. Not to mention the hot conversation of building restrictions and permissions… what a fabulous community to be a part of! Thank you.
But what is community? And more importantly, what does it mean to you? We would love to hear from you, so please tell us about an amazing act of kindness from someone in our community, maybe a funny story of something that has happened during these strange times. Do you feel a part of our community? If not, why not? What could our community do better?
Send us an email to theprogressestate@gmail.com
And what have the Progress Residents’ Association been up to, I hear you ask? Well, meetings have continued to happen (online of course!) with discussions about who we are, what we are and what we represent.
The Progress Residents’ Association is made up of a team of volunteers. We are your neighbours, with families and jobs, and an interest to do the best for our estate. Our community. Our home.
What does the Residents’ Association do?
The Progress Estate Residents’ Association committee meets regularly to ensure that the aims of the association are met for the benefit of the residents of the estate. The aims of the Association are:
a) To represent the views and interests of all residents.
b) To promote and encourage a sense of community amongst residents.
c) To monitor proposed alterations to, developments on, and maintenance of the estate with a view to ensuring they are in-keeping with its designation as a Conservation Area covered by an Article 4 Direction.
d) To exercise influence to ensure, insofar as is possible, that residents receive the best possible housing, environmental and community-related services.
Are you passionate about where we live? Do you want to have your voice heard? Do you have skills that could help the association meet its aims? We are looking to make changes and would love to hear from you. Join us at one of our informal upcoming meetings, contact us and find out how you could get involved. theprogressestate@gmail.com
Questionnaire on the Progress Residents’ Association (PRA)
Your opinions really do matter. Our estate is built on the people who live here. So click on the link for super short questionnaire about PRA.
(Approx. time to fill out is three minutes):
Hyde… the very name makes me roll my eyes! We have been doing our very best to get things moving in the right direction. We know it’s been frustrating for many of our residents who have to deal with Hyde, believe us, we feel your pain! Here is an update from Chris who has taken the lead on the matter:
Our beautiful estate is made up of 1,086 houses and 212 purpose-built flats with Hyde Housing owning the majority of the freeholds. We examined Hyde's management of the properties as many of their 437 rental tenants were unhappy with the service provided.
Meanwhile, some leaseholders have, for the last three years, received random and confusing demands for service charges which raised eyebrows as Hyde appears not to have provided any estate services since its takeover from the Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society (RACS) in the 1970s. We delivered flyers to every property on the estate and residents have been in contact.
Rental tenants complained that Hyde was hard to contact, sometimes sent surveyors to look at problems but didn't fix the - sometimes serious - issues. Homeowners said that Hyde did not respond even when issues such as water leaks from neighbouring Hyde flats affected them. The routine upkeep of properties had deteriorated particularly over the last seven years. Many said that Hyde expected, in some cases, renters to pay for repairs; for instance, to fences on Hyde properties.
Some flat owners wanted to know what services Hyde provides on the estate to justify the service charges, ranging from £35 to a bizarre 8 or 15 pence a month.
As a recognised residents’ association, Hyde should be responsive to our concerns. As a volunteer group with few funds we can only lobby Hyde with residents’ concerns. Councillor Spencer Drury has asked Hyde to respond and we hope to take part in Hyde's homeowners panel in future. We have written directly to Hyde's CEO to voice our concerns. As unpaid volunteers we cannot guarantee results but if all residents respond we have strength in numbers.
AGM Update
Moving on to the AGM… it has been over a year since our last general meeting which is why we are very keen to have one as soon as possible. If the road map to ease lockdown restrictions continues on the right path, we hope to have our next AGM in the autumn.
Since we are looking at making changes, we need to have a meeting to implement them. So, the questions are: Do we change the constitution? Do we look to fill the positions of Chair, Vice- Chair and Secretary, or remove some of them entirely? What do you think? Are you interested in filling one of these roles? Would you like to get involved in the discussion? Let us know your thoughts at theprogressestate@gmail.com
Oh, how I wish I could be telling you about an upcoming social event, open to all, with festivities, neighbourly chats face-to-face, some laughter and merriment, looking back on last year with a smile in the knowledge that Covid-19, lockdowns and restrictions are all in the past...
Fortunately, I can still be the bearer of some happy news! Don't get too excited though, put the dress and suit down (for now). Due to things still being very uncertain we are unable to host a big indoor event. However, a wonderful suggestion was made from one of residents about a jumble sale.
Since we've spent the best part of 18 months cooped up in-doors, many of us have decided it's time for a spruce up and clear out. Lots of our local charity shops are inundated with what some may consider junk and others' treasures, so why not sell your unwanted stuff from the comfort of your own garden?
Jumble Sale
Sunday 11th July
Set up a table in your front garden and sell your unwanted goods. Wander around our beautiful estate, chat to neighbours and pick up a bargain on the way!
Sell things or just have a walk. It'll be a great way to meet neighbours and enjoy, what we hope will be a lovely day. But of course, prepare for rain! We shall look forward to our first Progress Estate jumble sale!
Got an idea for a social event (restrictions permitting) let us know. I for one cannot stop dreaming of a good old knees-up with dancing, festivities and laughter! theprogressestate@gmail.com
Which brings me onto the headline that we are all getting tired of....
Covid-19 and Vaccine Update
Wait, hear me out. As a Community Champion and volunteer at the vaccination centre at Wensley Close, I have had the privilege (along with some other members of our community) of attending meetings with doctors, disease and vaccination specialists, and healthcare professionals from the NHS and Greenwich Health Care. These meetings have been insightful and helpful in sharing facts about the current situation.
We’ve been given some stats from Greenwich Health Care and the NHS for our local area:
The current infection rates are:
• Eltham North: 0.0 (there have been no cases in the last 2 weeks up to 13th May)
• Eltham West: 40.7 per 100,000 residents (there have been 7 cases in the last 2 weeks up to 13th May)
Vaccine uptake - Eltham Primary Care Network (PCN):
• First dose: 86.19%
• Second dose: 65.76%.
If you are interested in becoming a Community Champion, attending the next Covid-19 meeting, or simply interested in learning more, please email:
Please continue to follow government guidelines and remember: Hands. Face. Space. Keep yourself, your family and our community safe.
We know it’s important to keep ourselves safe and healthy, but how many of us do? We often put our family and friends before us and sometimes forget that we need some love and support ourselves. With this in mind we wanted to share some thoughts and resources:
Help and support
You are not alone. There are many ways to get help and support if you need it. You may not want to trouble anyone, you may not think your problem is big enough or important enough, or you may think that there are many more people in far worse circumstances. But remember you are important and your problems, big or small, can be supported. So please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the following services.
WhatsApp Mutual Aid Group For neighbourhood aid (people who live on the estate)
Greenwich Community Hub
The Royal Greenwich Community Hub has been supporting people since the beginning of the pandemic, and the service is still available to support you. The Community Hub links thousands of volunteers with opportunities to help people who are most in need of support.
If you cannot go out and do not have any family, friends or neighbours around to talk to or help you, then contact the Royal Greenwich Community Hub. They are here for you, and can support you with:
• food
• keeping your mind and body healthy
• money issues
• housing
• employment, volunteering and training
• advice about staying warm and well in winter
• social activities
You can also request support by:
• calling free on 0800 470 4831 (Monday – Saturday, 8.30am – 6pm)
Your health and wellbeing are the most important things. Look out for yourself, be kind to yourself and reach out for help if you need it.
Social stuff
Want to feel more connected to our community? You could sign up to:
(Please note that the WhatsApp groups are not run by the Progress Residents’ Association)
The best way to ask direct questions about the Progress Estate, planning restrictions, our community, upcoming events, AGM etc, is to join our mailing list by emailing: theprogressestate@gmail.com
And finally…
We welcome those long, warm, summer evenings, which we hope will bring more of us out into the much-needed fresh air. Take walks when you can, say hello to a neighbour, find something fun to do and most all look after yourself.
We look forward to keeping you updated!
Thank you so much from me, Maria, and the team at The Progress Residents’ Association.